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吳帆 Name:

Fan Wu

Job Title: Professor
education: Ph.D., National Taiwan University, ROC
Specialties: Distributed Database System,
Object-Oriented Analysis,
Healthcare Information System, Algorithm
Email: kfwu@mis.ccu.edu.tw
office: School of management622 Extension:  24621

The department was founded in 1983, with Professor Li Youren as the first head of the department. The previous heads are as follows:

Past Chair

Tenure Name Tenure
first term Eldon Y. Li 83-84
secend term Hongji Chen 85-88
third term Xingjin Huang 89-91
fourth term Yinglong Wu 92-94
Fifth term Zhengyuan Gu 95-97
sixth term Xinyuan Hong 98-100
Seventh term Zejun Liao 101-103
Eighth term Yiqiu Zhang 104-108
ninth term Jinsheng Ruan 108-110
Tenth term I-Chiu Chang 110-111
Eleventh Fan Wu 111-so far
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