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Big Data and Data Science Program

Big Data and Data Science Program

1. Introduction
Big data (Big Data, also known as massive data) refers to larger or more complex data sets that cannot be processed by traditional data processing techniques. At the same time, in the case of the same total amount of data, after merging each small data set (Data set) to analyze a lot of additional information and data correlation, it can be used to analyze business trends, judge the quality of research, prevent the spread of diseases, fight crime or Measurement of real-time traffic conditions, etc., so the application level of big data is extremely wide, and it is also one of the main tools of social science and applied science in the future. In order to pay equal attention to learning and application, so that students can enter the industry immediately after graduation, the big data course is the main course to guide the future industrial development.

2. Setting purpose and goals
The design of this course aims to provide students with a basic understanding of big data, train students to be familiar with the theoretical basis of big data and the application of technology in the industry, so that students can create their own advantages through professional big data-related courses, and respond to global industrial development and The technological environment changes, effectively cultivating outstanding new talents suitable for social industries.

3. Course setting and planning units
This course is a cross-faculty credit course, jointly planned by the School of Management and the Department of Information Management.

4. Participating teaching and research units
Department of Information Management, Department of Business Administration, Department of Finance, Department of Economics, Department of Accounting and Information Technology, Department of Labor Relations, Department of Mathematics, Department of Information Engineering, Department of Communication Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering.

5. Teachers
Department of Information Management, Department of Business Administration, Department of Finance, Department of Economics, Department of Accounting and Information Technology, Department of Labor Relations, Department of Mathematics, Department of Information Engineering, Department of Communication Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering High-quality teachers teach.

Teacher Affiliated Unit Full-time
(Part-time) Job
Highest Education Specialties
Ziling Lin Department of Finance Full-time Ph.D. in Finance, National Taiwan University Financial Risk Management, Actuarial Accounting
Fumin Zeng Department of Economics Full-time PhD in Economics, University of Nottingham, UK Applied Individual Economics, Applied Econometrics, Health Economics
Anxiang Wang Department of Labor Full-time Doctor of Industrial Engineering, National Tsing Hua University Human Factors Engineering, Labor Safety, Labor Hygiene
Fan Wu Department of Information Management Full-time Ph.D., Institute of Information Engineering, National Taiwan University Big data analysis and Internet of Things application, medical information system design, distributed database system, object-oriented analysis
Xuzhe Wu Department of Accounting and Information Technology Full-time Doctor of Business Administration, University of Warwick, UK Forecasting models, case studies, enterprise digitization, internal control
Yuxiu Lin Department of Information Management Full-time PhD in Healthcare Policy and Management, University of South Carolina, USA Evaluation of healthy life quality of the elderly, health spatial measurement analysis, health research of the elderly in rural areas, long-term care supply and demand and distribution, medical big data analysis
Xinyuan Hong Department of Information Management Full-time Ph.D. in Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University Business applications of decision support systems, knowledge management, e-commerce/e-government, and data mining
Longquan Lu Department of Business Administration Full-time PhD in Marketing, University of Mississippi Marketing research. Marketing ethics. database marketing
Zhongwei Shen Department of Mathematics Full-time Ph.D., Institute of Statistics, National Central University Long-term follow-up data analysis, robust statistical inference
Hongbin Lai Department of Economics Full-time PhD in Economics, Pennsylvania State University econometrics, general economics
Jingyi Lai Department of Finance Full-time PhD in Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University Financial Risk Management, Financial Measurement
Mushu Yun Department of Finance Full-time PhD in Finance, Louisiana State University Financial Asset Pricing, Mutual Fund Market Behavior
Hancheng Zhang Department of Information Engineering Part-time Ph.D. in Information Engineering, National Chung Cheng University Database, web design
Baoda You Department of Information Engineering Full-time PhD in Electrical Engineering, Purdue University Intelligent system design, intelligent network, ICAL, nonlinear system, e-Learning, computer-aided instruction
Wei-Yen Hsu Department of Information Management Full-time PhD in Information Engineering, Cheng Kung University Image processing, image recognition, neural network (machine learning), signal processing, big data data analysis, data mining
Zhenguo Jiang Department of Information Engineering Full-time Ph.D. in Information Engineering, National Tsing Hua University Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Multimedia Processing Analysis
Jing-Guo Hsu Department of Information Management Full-time Ph.D., in Information Engineering, National Chiao Tung University 5G Wireless Communications, 5G Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence Applications

6. Total credits of compulsory courses and elective credits
The core courses of this program include two types of compulsory and elective (such as the curriculum planning table), with a total of 18 credits, including 9 credits of compulsory, 6 credits of compulsory elective and 3 credits of elective. According to the school’s curriculum regulations, at least 9 credits of the 18-credit core subjects should be cross-collegiate or departmental courses, and can be counted as graduation credits for the student’s department, double major, auxiliary department or other courses.

7. Curriculum planning

Category Course Title Credit Department Remark
Common Compulsory
(9 credits)
Statistics (1) (or Statistics) 3 credits Department of Finance, Department of Economics, Department of Labor, Department of Business Administration
Database Management 3 credits Department of Accounting Information, Department of Information Management
Data Mining and Application 3 credits Department of Information Management
Required electives
(6 credits)
Statistics advanced courses
(choose one more)
Multivariate Data Analysis 3 credits Department of Business Administration、Department of Information Management
Regression Analysis 3 credits Department of Mathematics Prerequisite "Statistics"
Statistics (2) 3 credits Department of Finance、Department of Economics、Department of Business Administration
Econometrics (1) 3 credits Department of Economics、Department of Finance Prerequisite courses "Principles of Economics (1) and Principles of Economics (2)"
Econometrics (2) 3 credits Department of Economics Prerequisite subject "Econometrics (1)"
Practical courses (choose one more) Financial big data analysis 3 credits Department of Finance Prerequisite subject "Statistics (2)"
Financial data analysis 3 credits Department of Finance
R language application and analysis method 3 credits Department of Economics
Big data analysis and application 3 credits Department of Information Management
Python language programming 3 credits Department of Information Management
R programming 3 credits Department of Information Management
Elective (3 credits) Internet of Things Core Technology 3 credits Department of Information Engineering
Neural Network 3 credits Department of Information Engineering
Network community analysis and management 3 credits Department of Information Management
Medical big data analysis and application 3 credits Department of Information Management
Introduction to Algorithms 3 credits Department of Electrical Engineering、Department of Communication
Machine learning 3 credits Department of Information Management、Department of Information Engineering、Department of Electrical Engineering

8. Student Application and Approval Procedures

9. Awarding of course certificate
According to the "National Chung Cheng University Cross-Faculty (Institution) Course Setting Key Points", whoever completes the courses specified in this course will be issued a credit course certificate by the school after passing the review.

10. Other special regulations
This key point was approved by the curriculum committee meeting of the Department of Information Management, and implemented after being approved by the curriculum committee of the school, and the same is true when it is revised.

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